Learning how to see by drawn-in-nature...
Imagination emerges by oneself...
» Learning how to see is as drawn as leaving behind what is learned to see. «
Learning how to see by drawn-in-nature...
Imagination emerges by oneself...
» Learning how to see is as drawn as leaving behind what is learned to see. «
» Anima InCubus «
Anima InCubus encounters our emotional body of pain,
where enforced habits limit our self-evolvement,
especially our female aspects, the Anima.
14 x 14 cm
linocut, letterpress print, dark blue oil on paper,
Beyond the Blue - light up
... imagine a game
write a message to enter the adventure
the letter turns into the character
engaging you into the journey beyond the blue...
... imagine a game
write a message to enter the adventure
the letter turns into the character
engaging you into the journey beyond the blue...